The Habit that leads to Success

The Habit that leads to Success

We are a creature of Habit.

Our craving is what drives our habits.

For example, if we have a craving of eating a lot, that craving becomes a habit that makes you eat all the time and the result is that you add weight until you become obese.

So I guess the question is: How do you develop a New Habit?

A New habit begins when:
1.    You do anything that excites you to action (E.g. Learn Music, Go to School)

2.    You fix a routine and

3.    It has a reward that has been enumerated.

I remember when I started working on my first book.

I scheduled a routine to always write every Saturday from 6am to 9pm.

The result after one year: The book is ready for print.

My Summation: The habit that leads to success begins with an important goal, a routine and a reward that has been thought about.

P.S: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg helped me illuminate this thought.


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