I begin with the words of Winston Churchill who said that: “Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential.

I couldn’t agree less with this noble man.

It is time for us to Plan TODAY.
What are we planning for: A Wedding, An Exam, A House Building Project, A Successful Future.

Whatever it is, You have start with a plan because: “If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail”

In a nutshell, I think planning is a virtue that is readily available from the creation of the world till now, yet man barely uses planning as a tool.

I look around me and I see that every new technology that is been used today is or was a function of someone’s planning. 

The houses we live in are a function of someone’s planning.

The decisions we make today are a function of many years of planning which is been executed by us today.

Two years ago, I made a decision to join Project Management International (PMI) and as I took the project management training in preparation for the PMP, I realized that 24 out of the 47 project management processes were devoted to planning a project.

INTERESTING!! That is over 50% of the total number of process being devoted to planning.

I have been involved in strategic planning and technology planning for a lot of organizations in the World and I can confidently say that the Fortune 500 companies that are surviving in the world today are those who have deployed a Specific, Measurable, Adaptable, Reliable or Re-Implementable and Time-Based (SMART) planning process which delivers RESULTS today.

So, If you want RESULTS either now or in the future, then you need to start planning NOW!!!!

So as you bask in the euphoria of the weekend, START that PLAN Today.

You want to start writing that book tomorrow, Start planning NOW!!!

You want to get married in the future, Start Planning NOW!!!

You want to be an expert in your field of endeavor, Start planning NOW!!!

You want to build a house in the future, Start Planning NOW!!!

You want to startup a business in the future, Start Planning NOW!!!

In Conclusion, I hope you do agree with me that planning is everything as I close this article with 3 powerful quotes on planning.

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” - Alan Lakein.

Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.  (5Ps of Planning)  - Steven Keague.

“Every minute you spend in Planning saves 10 minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent Return on Energy. – Brian Tracy


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