The Great Spirit called together all of the Gods to discuss a most grave and important matter.
She had decided to create human beings but knew that they would not be able to cope with The Secret of Life and so needed to keep it from them.
She gave the Gods the task of finding a place to hide The Secret of Life.
The Gods met and discussed and argued and debated but after several weeks they could still not think of a place to hide The Secret of Life.
Eventually, one God came up with a solution that met with the approval of most of the Gods. He suggested that they hide The Secret of Life deep in the roots of the highest mountain because humans would never be able to find it there.
The Gods were pleased with themselves and were about to go and tell the Great Spirit their solution to the problem but one God spoke up. He said that although it would take a long time to find the secret of Life, they would find it.
Eventually, they would find the highest mountain and climb it. Eventually, they would build a drilling machine and dig into the roots of the highest mountain. It might take them thousands of years but they would find it.
The Gods were now in despair. The Great Spirit was going to create human beings very soon and they hadn’t solved Her problem.
After some time one of the Gods, realized that if it were not the roots of the highest mountain, then what about the depths of the deepest ocean.
Once again the Gods were happy and about to go to The Great Spirit. But once again, the same God stopped them.
Eventually, humans would find the deepest ocean. Eventually, they would create submarines.
Eventually, they would put the drilling machine on to the front of the submarine.
Eventually, they would find The Secret Of Life. It might take them thousands of years but they would find it.
The Gods were now really worried. The Great Spirit was going to create human beings the very next day and they had still not solved the problem for her.
And it is those quiet moments of reflection that the answer emerges, for if we stay quiet long enough The Littlest God can be heard. She is always there, sitting quietly in the background, saying nothing. But when she does finally say something, it is always worth listening to.
And the Littlest God suggested that they tell The Great Spirit to hide The Secret of Life inside human beings because they would never even think to look there.
THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES INSIDE YOU............................
Culled from Peter McNAB's book: TOWARDS AN INTEGRAL VISION: Using NLP and KEN Wilber's AQAL Model to Enhance Communication.
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