The People that will hurt you the Most
The People that will
hurt you the Most
I have just
come to the realization that the people who will hurt you the most are your
loved ones.
Do you know
The reason is
because you love them without fail.
So when you
speak to them and they yell back to you or do things that don’t tally with your
views, you get angry, sad, disappointed or angry towards them.
I see this
happen a lot: Fathers vs. Sons, Mothers vs. Daughters, Husbands vs. Wives,
Brothers vs. Sisters, Workers vs. Co-Workers.
Sometimes, we
take it to the extreme of refusing to talk them, fighting, separation and even divorce.
Whenever, you
get to this point, stop and ask yourself these questions:
Did you have
the prerogative to choose which family you were born into?
Did you have
the prerogative to choose which siblings you would grow up with?
Did you have
the prerogative to choose the people that you fell in love with?
As you answer
these questions, you will realize that you didn’t really have much of a choice
with the first two questions, but the last question gave you a choice to love,
irrespective of the differences.
So you chose
to love and that’s the reason why you shouldn’t get angry when the people you
love the most hurt you.
search your heart and find out why you love them and never stop loving them.
Rather than
exude anger, hate or disappointment, Love them relentlessly.
Because the
only gift we can freely share with our fellow man is to love unconditionally.
They might be
afraid that you don’t understand their view, or you don’t believe in them, but
when you show them love, you immediately take away their fears and make them
love you more.
So when you
get angry or hurt with a loved remember that, “Perfect love casts out fear”
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