Shoshin - The Beginner’s Mind
Shoshin - The Beginner’s Mind
Shoshin is a concept known as the beginner’s mind.
Shoshin requires you to approach learning as a beginner even
if you already know the subject of study.
Shoshin requires you to be open minded, eager to learn and
shed aside any pre-conception about what you are learning.
I believe that is why the first belt, you get in the martial
arts training school is yellow, because you are a beginner and full of
possibilities to learn a whole lot.
One thing is certain, a beginners mind makes you curious,
open minded and makes you ask a lot of questions thus killing the need for you
to assume about a subject or keep previous assumptions.
Assumption kills creativity.
Assumptions tie us to old dogma and beliefs so anytime you
use the words, I assume ………
Quickly revert to Shoshin Mode.
Activate Shoshin Mode at all times.
Note: "In the
beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are
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