I write this piece at a time that the world is facing economic
difficulties, serious illnesses, family problems, and political unrest plague
people on a daily basis.
How a person faces each challenge that comes their way
however, says much about their character, who they are on the inside.
One thing is certain, we have to accept and deal with challenges
in life, or else these challenges won’t go away.
A sage once said that a turtle only makes progress when he
sticks his neck out. That’s courage.
The turtle also doesn’t move when he goes into his shell. So
the only way for the turtle to make progress in his habitat is to come out of
his shell (i.e. accept the challenges around his habitat) and move on to safety
or to a new habitat.
Needless to say that the human race is like that of the
turtle and I wish to say that change only comes, when you come out of your
shell and accept the challenge that life throws at you.
Some people draw strength and inspiration from the
experiences of others.
Therefore I wish to share some experience that will help you
accept the challenges of life and inspire you to accept your challenge and grow
in strength and character.
So let me tell you about a young man who came one mark short
of passing his professional examination in 2004. He had to wait for one year to
retry the exams in 2005.
The Question: Did he go into his shell and refuse to write
the exam again?
Answer: Not at all. He went back to write the exam in 2005
and got near perfect scores.
Five years after passing the exam, he became the
youngest professional in that field one of the top 1% of the field in the
When asked what gave him the zeal to continue after he
failed. He said his motivation came from the movie “Rocky Balboa”
He said I love the scene where Sylvester Stallone said: “It
doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, what matters is how many
times you are willing to stand up and keep fighting, no matter how beat up you
In his opinion, he believes that people can and should rise
up to whatever challenge that life throws at them, because challenges only make
you better and prepare you for the success that life has to offer.
Let me tell you about Elon Musk, a man who eats failure for
breakfast, gets challenged at lunch time and gets successful at dinner time.
Let me list the failures that he has faced.
Elon started a company and the board of
directors refused to let him become the CEO. Their reason was: he lacked operational
experience and was inexperienced.
His first born child Nevada died when he was 10
weeks old of the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. This affected his life.
SpaceX, a company that he started had money for three
launches, and all three launches failed. This means he lost all the money that
he put into his company.
His launch of Tesla Roadster, an all-electric
sports car didn’t debut until after 4 years.
The Question: Did he go into his shell and refuse to try
Not at All, Elon Musk tried again, he borrowed money from
some friends and tried a fourth launch which succeeded and got funding to the
tune of 6 billion dollars from NASA.
He also proved pundits wrong by launching the Tesla Roadster
which has sold over thousands of unit without any form of marketing.
I can bet that if Elon was asked if you can be born with the
gift of accepting challenges. His response would be: “You cannot be born with
this quality neither can you be taught, it has to be experienced every single
So I urge you today accept that life is a challenge, so come
out of your shell and accept it.
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