
The 365 days Journey

The 365 days Journey If you had to travel for 365 days to a new country or an unknown territory such as the moon or Mars, What would you pack into your suitcases? What books would you carry? What clothes would you take? What would you do, before the journey begins? What would do you during the journey and when the journey becomes an uphill task? The answer lies in planning. A popular quote says from the British Army states that: “Proper Planning and Preparation Prevent Piss Poor Performance.” The Project Management Institute (PMI) buttresses this fact by devoting 23 out of 47 processes to project planning. However, let me re-iterate my question by asking it in a simple and easy to manage format and it is: How do you intend to spend the next 356 days in the year 2018? What ideas, dreams and thoughts do you intend to carry from 2017 into 2018? What books would you read in 2018? What people development plans are you putting in place? What content...

What is the Secret of Your Success as an Entrepreneur?

What is the Secret of Your Success as an Entrepreneur? After speaking at a summit for young entrepreneurs, some participants came to me and asked me a very specific question: What is the secret of your success as an entrepreneur? I offered to answer the question on one condition, we share the answer with the entire class and every aspiring entrepreneur in the world. ...

6 Essential Ingredients for a Successful Marriage

6 Essential Ingredients for a Successful Marriage Let me start by saying that I am not an expert in marriage counseling; neither do I know what makes marriages last 30 years and beyond. However, I had an encounter with two distant family relatives who had been married for over 30 years. Out of curiosity, I asked them one at a time, what was the secret sauce of your marital success? They both re-echoed one thing: “When you get married, you have to understand that you or your spouse are a gift that will take some time to unravel or discover”. In addition, i believe that you must learn to understand and tolerate your similarities and differences. Another of my uncle puts it this way:  Remember, that you married someone who has his/her faults and isn’t perfect. So don’t try to force all the changes through in one year, remain open-minded and appreciate each other.  Then your love will grow in numerous proportions. I totally agree with him on this point. ...
CLARITY OF PURPOSE Let me share this quote from Napoleon Hill which states that: There is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it. So I begin with the following questions: 1.     What do you want to achieve in Life? 2.     Are you certain of your life’s purpose? 3.     Do you have a desire to fulfill your purpose? One of the reasons why it is very imperative for you to be clear about your purpose is so you don’t go living someone’s life and fulfilling someone’s dreams and remaining unfulfilled in life. Have you ever woken up and felt that your life is incomplete or unfulfilled, and that you need to do more to feel accomplished. If you have ever felt that way, then you need to ask yourself the following questions: 1.     What is your definition of Success? 2.     Wh...


  LIFE IS A CHALLENGE, ACCEPT IT. I write this piece at a time that the world is facing economic difficulties, serious illnesses, family problems, and political unrest plague people on a daily basis. How a person faces each challenge that comes their way however, says much about their character, who they are on the inside. One thing is certain, we have to accept and deal with challenges in life, or else these challenges won’t go away. A sage once said that a turtle only makes progress when he sticks his neck out. That’s courage. The turtle also doesn’t move when he goes into his shell. So the only way for the turtle to make progress in his habitat is to come out of his shell (i.e. accept the challenges around his habitat) and move on to safety or to a new habitat. Needless to say that the human race is like that of the turtle and I wish to say that change only comes, when you come out of your shell and accept the challenge that life throws at you. ...

How to Get the Most Out of Your Day

How to Get the Most Out of Your Day In order to get the most out of your day and out of your life, you need to see life as a journey. Imagine that you are embarking on endless travels for the next 10 to 30 years. You are set to go and your bags are already packed. Now stop for a minute and ask yourself the following rhetorical questions: 1.        Where do you want to go? 2.        How quickly do you want to go on your journey? 3.        How many shortcuts are you willing to take before you get to your destination? 4.        Finally, how do you intend to manage the little or no resources that you have? In my opinion, life is a journey and you need to know your destination, for your life to have meaning or for you to celebrate success. So imagine that you were embarking on a trip and you don’t have a map, you don’t have a tour...