I think that the only gift that God gave to man is the power to make choices.

I say this authoritatively because I look at the transformation that man has gone through from the Stone Age to this rapidly evolving technology world and all I can confidently say is that all those who have contributed to global development (ranging from Albert Einstein, Alfred Nobel, Bill Gates, Mother Theresa, Bill Clinton and Mark Zuckerberg had a choice to do something or do nothing.

In my opinion, I believe that they chose to do something because of the following reasons:

1.  The books they read

2.  The friends they keep

3.   Their behavior and

4.   Their view of the world

I feel so convinced that the books that the books that Albert Einstein, Alfred Nobel, Bill Gates, Mother Theresa, Bill Clinton and Mark Zuckerberg read helped to influence their behavior in the past, present and future.

I am of the opinion that the more you read, the better you become.

Infact, I would like to cite a quote from Ben Carson’s book that says: “When you read, you have intercourse with higher minds”

The choice of friends you keep says a lot about who you will become. Professor Charles Jones said that: “You are a function of who you will become five years from now save for two things. The friends you keep and the books you read.”

I am sure, if we check with Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, one key thing they would have done is surround themselves with friends of value who help them make the best decision in their business. 

That’s a function of choice.

I think another behavior of people who make the right choices is that they align with an inner truth which is: “Failure leads to Success”

So when they try something and fail, they believe that they must keep trying, because failure is an event that eventually leads to success.

How else can we explain that Thomas Alva Edison (of blessed memories) kept on working on the incandescent light bulb after failing 999 times, it can only be because he believed that failure will lead to success.

I think that a dominant factor that decides the choices we make is our view of the world.

If we see the world as a stone that needs to be re-carved or re-chiseled, then we will pick up our toolbox and get to work in molding the world to be a better place.

Little wonder why the world knew Mother Theresa because she understood the fact that we must make the world better by solving the problem of Hunger and Poverty.

As I write this article this morning, I now understand why Bill and Melinda Gates invest so much in solving poverty and disease.

Their world view is that the world would be better, if sickness and diseases are eradicated so that mankind can focus on the search for true meaning.

So I close this piece with some questions:

What choices are you making today?

What books are you reading today?

What kind of friends are you keeping today?

What is your view of the world today?

Does the world need to be saved or plundered?

The choice is ours to Make.


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