PLANNING IS EVERYTHING I begin with the words of Winston Churchill who said that: “Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential. I couldn’t agree less with this noble man. It is time for us to Plan TODAY. What are we planning for: A Wedding, An Exam, A House Building Project, A Successful Future. Whatever it is, You have start with a plan because: “If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail” In a nutshell, I think planning is a virtue that is readily available from the creation of the world till now, yet man barely uses planning as a tool. I look around me and I see that every new technology that is been used today is or was a function of someone’s planning. The houses we live in are a function of someone’s planning. The decisions we make today are a function of many years of planning which is been executed by us today. Two years ago, I made a decision to join Project Management International (PMI) and a...